Thursday, October 31, 2019

Addiction Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Addiction - Term Paper Example They had higher forms of engagement behaviorally as well, when they were more involved. Generally, when one is talking about addiction it refers to a limited set of specifics that define the addiction, but the idea of the addictive personality is to see who may be predisposed to be addicted to various activities. Katz points out how addiction is also increasingly accepted and tolerated in society so that many activities and things which may have not been considered addictive in the past, such as food, exercise, work, and relationships, are now also accepted increasingly as valid addictions. Many experts according to Katz try to narrow down the definition of an addictive personality, therefore, by dividing addictive behavior into five conceptual categories: patterns, habits, compulsions, impulse control disorders, and physical addictions (the person cannot live without it) (2005). Katz’s article provides a general look at addiction, without going too much into specifics. Benshoff’s article deals less generally with the topic of addiction than Katz, and focuses on the population of elderly addicts. The elderly form social bonds that are based on their attachment to society from a psychological perspective as well as a perspective of natural social processes in which becoming alienated from other people and human society is seen to encourage self defeating behavior such as substance abuse. Benshoff shows how these social bonds are formed early in individuals and can be applied to lifespan processes including the elderly who are involved in bonds with society that require various levels, or respective lacks of, attachment to, commitment to, involvement in, and belief in societal codes or normative influences. As the author points out, in the case of the elderly, this direction mainly operates in terms of the present’s balance with the future: deviant behavior such as drug abuse violates the

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Employment Non Essay Example for Free

The Employment Non Essay On Wednesday November 7, 2007, a landmark bill was passed in the house. A bill that will guarantee equal treatment of gays and lesbians in the workplaces. This bill is referred to as the Employment Non discrimination Act and is a climax to the aspirations pursued by gays and lesbians since 1974(www. alternet. org/workplace/67650/). It is indeed a journey that has taken over two hundred years, since the ratification of the United States constitution, which categorically guarantees every individual in the United States equal access to facilities regardless of gender, race, creed or any other basis, whatsoever. The human rights commission in its creeds vows to champion for equality in the society by rooting out all forms and manner of discrimination. Despite the key statements by the constitution and Human Rights Commission, inequality still thrives in our midst. The different societal norms and orientation have shaped peoples minds such that they are dead set against people who may display certain different characteristics from them. Inequality in the society is not only based on gender, race or creed but it also extends to sexual orientation. Discrimination against homosexuality has raged on for years and the debate on the topic is as thorny as they can get. Past legislations against discrimination have not been categorical when it comes to homosexuality. This is a fact that emerges from deep down in the society and from the conservative nature of the values that are closely guarded by people. Despite the massive campaigns conducted by human rights and gay movements, the society is yet to reconcile that gays and lesbians are normal and that they deserve equal rights just like the so called â€Å"straight people. † Homophobia thrives in the society and despite any legislation it is bound to rage on for long till the sexual stigma wanes gradually (Gerald H, 38). The public is mindset about gays and lesbians such that anything close to respecting their rights is not easily taken. There are a number of reasons why homophobia thrives in the society and why people will discriminate against them in the workplaces, friendships and even in the family. There is a common belief among most heterosexuals that homosexuality is not natural. They believe that it is a weird trait that only befits animals. People do not accept the fact that this sort of orientation has been there deep in history even in the biblical times. Homosexuals are believed to be sexual perverts who should be avoided at all costs. It is hence hard to find heterosexuals in the society who accord equal treatment to those that they suspect having a homosexual orientation. Very few heterosexuals will employ people they believe of possessing homosexual tendency no matter their credentials (Ronni L. Sanlo, 17). Religious fanatics are the ones that mostly have been dead set against gays. Despite their being a separation of state and religion, rarely will you find those in authority appreciating the sexual orientation disparities that exist in the society and champion for equality along those lines. Religion has played a great role in imparting a negative sentiments and treatments against its own rank. The Catholic Church and the Anglican have failed to embrace unanimity on the issue of ordaining gay priests despite the practice being evident among priests. Africa has nigh broken away from the Anglican mother church and mainstream for its ordination of gay priests. Most religions in spite of their liberal nature preach hatred against gays and lesbians in the belief that their teachings prohibit same sex relationships. Followers of these religions become fanatically set by the religious dogmas and cease to see the gay and lesbian as their equal. They believe that homosexuality is against Gods commandments as His first creations were of both gender rather than unisex. This is the root cause of all forms of discrimination and sexual orientation inequality in the society, as these values further shape both social and professional relations. Discrimination against lesbians in the belief that they are disgusting is rife and it mainly originates from schools. In most learning institutions, it almost escalates to a point of turning physical. Verbal harassment however is the most prevalent. A poll for example conducted by CBS in 1999 indicated that over 28% of all those polled admitted to making remarks that can be considered offensive and discriminatory to the gay community (Michael B and A. W. Brown, p31). Societal norms and cultures are passed on from one generation to another. These values include the long held beliefs and prejudices held in regarding to the core issues affecting the society. For example a look at the history of inequality and discrimination of the African American and the Hispanics population reveals that the negative sentiments expressed against these two races in the United States have their root to the early times. Slavery was perpetrated and perpetuated as a way of life. It was not unusual for people to own slaves and yet claim that they respected and stood for equality. U. S is full of such past leaders who were great and led the nation to greater heights but they still owned slaves. This is because slave ownership was the norm and failure to own one was an exception. Blacks and women in America took long before they could get an equal footing to their white males counter parts. The struggle for blacks civil rights lasted for two centuries before law could grant them equal access to public facilities in terms of employment and other vital services. This culture of discrimination against the blacks had taken root and become entrenched deeply into the way of life. The same case is happening today only this time discrimination is not along racial or religious backgrounds, it is based on sexual orientation. Majority of the people are dead set that heterosexual is the only way of life, it is the only acceptable norm and any deviation from such a norm is frowned upon. People are not open minded enough to accept other ways of living. This form of discrimination and unequal access to opportunities is imparted in children in their formative stage. Schools are the most important agents of socialization. It is where positive or negative values are imparted. Beliefs and attitudes towards various topics life are shaped in schools (Donald Moss, 22). Learning institutions and families have a long impact on how people view various subjects in life. Homophobia is one such subject that becomes sensitive in schools. Discrimination against gays and lesbians starts early in childhood especially in high schools where the students suspected to be gays are verbally and physically attacked. This discrimination may later extend to the teachers and staff who might be dismissed on mere suspicious of being lesbians or gays hence making it clear to the students that such a sexual orientation is unacceptable in life (Bruce Galloway, 22) Homophobia has also been further perpetuated by the school curriculum. Most sex education syllabuses ignore homosexuality, describing it using negative connotations. In a sex education class; sex is only taken to mean intercourse between a man and a woman while disregarding any form of sexual interactions between people of the same sex. This develops a negative attitude in people, meaning that homosexuality is a form of an abnormality or disability. Intense studies have not been conducted to get to the root cause of the negative attitude and the hostility for people who are homosexuals. Most research conducted focuses on how it can be avoided rather than how the society can be taught to integrate such a community. Homosexuality is seen as a psychopathological case as most of those who exhibit homosexually traits are advised to seek psychiatric help (John P, 2). The gays and lesbian movement also experiences problems when trying to meet and consult with each other. Some gay organizations decry lack of conference halls whenever they would want to meet. They experience open rejection, as not many people would want to be associated with them. This means that there are few forums through which the public can be taught on how to relate with homosexuals (Samantha W, P. 16). As mentioned before about socialization in schools as one source of discrimination even the educators themselves conform to this notion, viewing and accepting that homophobia is the right attitude and then imparting on the students. (Ronnil S. , 13). Homophobia is a culture that has been imparted from one generation to the next deeply entrenched into our social organization systems. It emanates from the belief that is an act of perversion that should not be tolerated by heterosexuals and hence the prevalent discrimination against those suspected or known to be gays or lesbians. Discrimination is a way of societies reaction towards people they view as outcasts. There are no enough forums through which heterosexuals, homosexuals and bisexuals can interact with each other to create more understanding due to the preconceived ideas held against each other. Works cited Deb Price, Gay? U. S houses that’s okay creators syndicate.November 12, 2007. Retrieved on 13/11/2007 from http://www. alternet. org/workplace/6760 Bruce, Galloway. Prejudice and pride: discrimination against gay people in modern Britain. Rout ledge, Taylor and Francis Group. 1984: 19-34 Gerald Hunt, Laboring for rights. Unions and sexual diversity across nations. Temple University Press 1999 32-42 John P. De Cero, Homophobia an overview, Haworth Press Inc. 1984;2 Samantha Wehbi: Community organizing against homophobia and heterosexism the world through rainbow colored. Glasses, Haworth Press. 2004; 16-24 Gail Mason, The spectacle of violence: Homophobia, Gender and Knowledge. Rout ledge 2001; 17-32 Warren J. Bluefield. Homophobia: how we all pay the price. Beacon press, 1992: 46-9 Ronni L. Sanlo, Unheard Voices: The effects of silence on lesbian and gay educators. Bergin Goerly Greenwood. 2004; 13-24 Donald Moss, Hating in the first person, plural: psychoalytic essays on racism, homophobia misogyny and terror. Other press LLC . 2003; 20-29

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Typical Challenge Faced By Room Division Staff

Typical Challenge Faced By Room Division Staff There is a saying , Customer is God which means customers needs should be fulfilled by the goods or service provider so that the customer can become your loyal customer. As to the hotel industry, it is also very true that hotel staff should try the best to satisfy all demands and requests from the guests so as to keep the guests come back often and introduce their friends and relatives to step in the hotel. However, not all customers are easy going and sometimes customers may bring up difficult requests which are not able to be met by the hotel, thus it will pose a great challenge for the hotel staff to handle. In this way, the relevant hotel department, here referred as the front office under the room division will often be responsible for processing such requests and complaints. The way how the customers requests and complaints are handled is very important for the hotels development regarding its reputability and sustainability in this field. Therefore, the aim of this report is to highly focus on the reasons of such difficult requests and complaints and the solutions which will properly get the issues handled without offending the customers and making them satisfy with the services of the hotel. It also addresses the significance for the hotel to be able to handle the complaints and requests in a proper way. In the final part, the report has drawn a proper conclusion for such challenge discussed and analysed. Table of contents Introduction 4 Discussion about the reasons and forms of the difficult requests and complaints brought up by customers 4 The ways how the Front Office staff should face and handle such challenge 6 Significance for the hotel to handle the challenge in a proper way 7 Conclusion 9 References 10 Introduction With the development of various businesses and tourisms, different types of hospitality industries such as business hotels, holiday inn hotels, have been rapidly developed and expanded in the cities all around the world. Since the massive expansion in this hospitality sector, the competition between hotels with the same level is becoming more and more intensified. Therefore, to improve the service trying to satisfy every customer whenever stepping into the hotel to the best is becoming vital in the hotel management (Kandampully, Mok Sparks, 2001). However, no matter how well the hotel staff made the preparation and how much efforts they made for trying to meet the customers needs, there are still many challenges in terms of handling the actual incidents in the real situation. With the consideration of addressing the challenges which might be encountered by the hotel staff, this report picks one typical challenge that the hotel room division department will occasionally face to analy se. The challenge is identified in the report is how the difficult customers requests and complaints are processed by the relevant staff. Usually the requests and complaints are handled by the front office staff under the room division department of the hotel. Such difficult requests and complaints from customers are very common for the hospitality industry. In the report, it is to write about such typical challenge to be handled by the front office staff in a business hotel. Discussion about the reasons and forms of the difficult requests and complaints brought up by customers In hospitality industry, it is very hard for the hotel not to have any incidents occur since the hospitality sector is dealing with different types of people. Take a Business Hotel as an example, one large Business Hotel will receive thousands of customers each year. All of the customers are with different characteristics or from different countries with obviously different cultures. Even the best and most reputable hotel may not be able to make every customer satisfy with its service. Usually, it is more occasional for the Front Office under the Room Division Department to contact the customers directly. And more often requests or complaints from customers will be delivered to the Front Office and the staff is responsible for handling such incidents. The reasons why sometimes customers will propose some hard requests or even sometimes they directly make complaints about the hotel is not difficult to understand. From the perspective of customer, he/she spends money on the food and services in the hotel, therefore, customer may think he/she should deserve more convenient and better service. And the more money he/she spends in the hotel, the much higher expectation with respect to the services he/she will have for the hotel. This is the psychological reaction of human being. During the hotel service process, if the customers feel the actual experience of the service is not up to the expectation they set in their mind, it will cause customers dissatisfaction (Bardi, 2010). Although most of them will not reveal this mood and leave the hotel without a word, some of the customers will complain to the Front Office. Also since different customers are greatly different in their living background, behaving methods, characteristics, they wil l reflect a different needs for the hotel services. Meanwhile, as the evaluation of hotel services by each customer is subjective, evaluation of the same services may vary from person to person. Thus not all the customers needs can be fulfilled and nothing is perfect, the diversity of the lodging customers absolutely ensure that there will be difficult requests and complaints (Hsu Powers, 2001). During the hotel service, a hotel may confront many forms of difficult customers requests and complaints. There are difficult requests such as late room service, asking for some facilities which are not equipped in the hotel etc. Typical complaints are like unclean room, unreasonable phone price, poor facilities, bad-quality food, language misunderstanding, unhelpful staff and so on (Ahmed, 2005). The ways how the Front Office staff should face and handle such challenge When encountering the difficult customer requests and complaints, Front Office staff may feel great stress for handling such incidents especially when dealing with some hard customers. It is a great challenge for the employees to handle the requests and complaints properly without offending the customers and to ensure Hotels interests at the same time. To handle these incidents in a proper way, the staff should firstly have a right attitude about the challenge. To deal with such unprepared incidents is one positions responsibilities. Requirements and complaints made by customers should be regarded as gifts to hotel. Customers requests and complaints not only reflect the needs of customers are not fulfilled by hotel, but also provide an opportunity for the hotel to evaluate its service quality and management quality in various aspects (Barlow Moller, 1996). It actually provides a good chance to improve hotel in many ways, which will eventually enables the hotel with an outstanding pe rformance and to be very competitive in the lodging industry. For Front Office staff, it is a knowledge to well handle the difficult customers requests and complaints. Normally the staff can resolve the incidents with reference to the following guidances according to different complex situation. When customers ask for some hard requests which may not be achieved within the hotels limit, customers may feel frustrated and disappointed. Usually customers will not deliberately make some unreasonable requests, therefore, when the staff face such requests, they should firstly try to satisfy their customers if the requests are not ridiculous. If hotel can not meet the customers requests, the staff should make apologies to customers in a polite way. The staff should keep the requests down on the notebook and assure the customers that the hotel will improve its service or add the requests in the service range (Malhotra, 1997). Actually the requests are also the advice for the hotel. It can make the hotel perfect its services. For instance, now there are more and more women business travellers, women have more requirements than men in terms of lodging and food and so on. Women customers may ask hotel to prepare better hairdryer and healthy meals. In other situations, hotel may have so me disabled persons who will demand more special requests from the hotel. Normally if customers difficult requests can not be provided by the hotel and the staff refuse them in a very polite way, most of the customers will not be annoyed. However, if the customers requests are refused by the staff without any explanation, customer will make complaints because they feel his self-esteem is devalued. When dealing with the complaints, the staff should be very careful because if the complaints are not handled properly, the hotel will lose not only one customer. When customer complains, the hotel should handle the complaints immediately and take the complaints seriously. Hotel staff should carefully listen to the customer with complaints with a wholehearted attitude and deal with the complaints after being agreed by customer. After investigation, if it is found fault with the hotel, apology and proper compensation shall be made in order to get forgiveness from the customers and make them satisfy with the hotel again. The staff shall keep in mind avoiding conflicts with customers. For the serious incident, the staff shall comfort the customers firstly then report to the manager and handle it according to the complaints procedure. Every complaint should be integrated in a file and analysed so that it can become a material for training as typical cases (Heung Lam, 2003). After the com plaints are resolved, hotel staff should appreciate the customers for pointing out the improper ways of the hotel, which makes the hotel improve itself. Then the customers will feel good impression about the hotel again and will come back for next time. Significance for the hotel to handle the challenge in a proper way To properly deal with the difficult requests and complaints is crucial for hotels success and development. There are plenty of hotels established in the city, why the customers would come back if they feel they are not treated in a good manner. For hotel, to offer a good service is one thing, to resolve requests and complaints in a good manner is another key factor for its reputation. Resolving the problems effectively has a strong impact on the customer satisfaction and loyalty. Customers will possibly satisfy with the hotel based on the recovery efforts made by the hotel (Liao, 2007). There are numbers of hotels becoming good players in the lodging industry because they know how to deliver their services to customers and how to ensure guest satisfaction about their services or even how to handle the guest complaints successfully and gain back the customers trust about their hotels. Therefore, these hotels survive in the competitive accommodation area. Especially at present, technology develops fast and Internet is used by most people around the world. If one hotel failed to handle the guests requests or complaints, the offended customer may spread bad words via Internet, which will greatly destroy the hotels fame and potential customers may choose the other competitor by viewing these comments (Piccoli, Spalding Ives, 2001). Besides this, once the customer feel negative opinion about the hotel, he/she will deliver this message to his/her friends and relatives. For example, when we check the hotel information via Internet, we will occasionally see some messages or comments made by other people. These bad words will definitely make us feel not good about the hotel, although some of them may not be true. While on the other hand, if the hotel can try to fulfill the requests of the customers, hotel will gain considerable profits and will definitely build a good reputation in the hospitality industry. Take London Hilton in Park Lane as an example. Since now there are more and more women business travellers who have specific needs and requirements different from those of male guests. These women guests highlight good health diet and fitness facilities and they require more appropriate facilities in their rooms, such as padded hangers, good lighting and full-length mirror. Therefore, London Hilton refurbished the 30 rooms on its 22nd floor to become an all-women zone and offers a private section for them and enhance the security. The rooms are facilitated according to women taste including fashion magazines, powerful hairdryers and others (Carysforth, 2003). As a result, the London Hilton Hotel is popular by most of the women travellers. Proper handling customers complaints and make the c omplaining customer feel he/she is respected also helps the hotel to build its reputation and win back customers loyalty. Conclusion In conclusion, the hospitality industry most often deal with people. In order to survive in todays intensively competitive business environment, it is very essential for hotels to ensure to achieve customers satisfaction. As peoples increasing sense of protecting his consumer rights, many complaints occur in the hotel service. Also because hotels provide products and services which may be perceived in different ways by different people, different people will have varied levels of opinion in responding to the same or similar service and product consumption. Complaints sometimes do good to the hotel if the hotel is able to solve the problem in an effective way. If not, complaints will contribute a very bad influence to the hotel. However, for the Hotel Room Division sector, it is very challenging for them the properly deal with the matter. The persons for undertaking such position should be experienced and well-trained in this area. The capability of handling the complaints and difficu lt situation is not only about personal traits but also about tacts and strategies. The hotel staff should be familiar with the relevant strategies or procedures when handling the difficult and complex issues. It is also the hotels fortune to have such excellent staff being capable of solving complaints.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pierre-Auguste Renoir Essay examples -- Renoir Painter Biography Bio E

Pierre-Auguste Renoir Pierre-Auguste Renoir was born in 1841 to Marguerite Merlet and Là ©onard Renoir. In 1844 his family moved to Paris and by 1854, at the young age of thirteen, began painting flowers on porcelain cups and saucers. Through his parents, he began as a painter for the porcelain industry; his parents felt this was the perfect start for the beginnings of an artist. He came from the town of Limoges, where porcelain became almost a symbol of status and wealth. By 1860 he had left the porcelain factory in favor of becoming a full time painter; he was granted permission to copy paintings in the Lourve where he began to admire the eighteenth century masters. In 1862 he entered the studio of Marc-Gabriel-Charles Gleyre, a Swiss teacher who offered instruction to many upcoming artists, where he met such influences as Claude Monet and Alfred Sisley. Along with this, he began attending the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Through this he finally developed his unique brush stroke and style that was to be his own. From there, he became part of the Impressionist Era, which gave birth to a splendid era of painting which changed art forever. This new movement began in France which was what became the cultural center of Europe, and later the world. France was an inviting place for an artist in the nineteenth century. A nation which clearly â€Å"offered the necessary conditions for an art form to flourish that was domestic scale, devoted to sensual pleasure and addressed to the private collector.† This all came about during a time when France was establishing itself as one of the cultural centers of the world. This was a peaceful era, that saw a discernible increase in industrial productivity leading to greater middle-class prosperity and freedom. Through all this, increased activity in the art world began to develop. Through a boom in collecting and dealing art, artwork became a commodity that embodied the most positive and realizable value. These factors, together with many more, helped pave the way for the â€Å"impressionist† movement that we so fondly admire today. The idiom â€Å"impressionism† was originally suggested by a critic reviewing Monet’s Impression, Sunrise (1872), who blasted the painting â€Å"as a prime example of the slapdash appearance of the canvases on view at the first Impressionist exhibition.† This radical movement, born in Paris and parts of northern... ...e match. Renoir himself said, â€Å"Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bibliography Arts Council of Great Britain, , et al. Renoir : Hayward Gallery, London, 30 January-21 April 1985, Galeries nationales du Grand palais, Paris, 14 May-2 September 1985, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 9 October 1985-5 January 1986.. London: Art Council of Great Britain, 1985. Dumas, Ann, and Monique Noone. Impressionism: Paintings Collected by European Museums. London, England: Phaidon P Limited, 1982. Gaunt, William. Renoir. London, England: Phaidon P Limited, 1982. Gimpel, Renà ©. Journal d'un collectionneur (Diary of an Art Dealer). Paris: Marchandde Tableaux, 1963. 27. Jaukovic, Milan. Auguste Renoir paintings gallery. 1997. Alvilim. 19 Apr. 2004. Kane, D. Renoir. 1999. St. Brigid's College. 1 May 2004. Pioch, Nicolas. WebMuseum: Renoir, Pierre-Auguste. 16 July 2002. WebMuseum, Paris. 19 Apr. 2004. Thomson, Belinda. Impressionism: Origins, Practice, Recption. London, England: Thames & Hudson Ltd., 2000. WetCanvas: Virtual Museum: Individual Artist Gallery: Pierre Auguste Renoir: Painting Gallery. 1998. WebCanvas!. 29 Apr. 2004.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Existentialist Curriculum on the Humanities

â€Å"I should seek not the way, but my way. † Rather than follow a strict set of rules about what school should or should not be like, the existentialist chooses his or her own vision of education. There is truly no one right way for students to learn or one method of teaching that is universally applicable. Existentialism classrooms therefore offer freedom for both educator and student. The existentialist model also encourages growth and creativity through limitless freedom. As Blaise Pascal said, â€Å"Live today as if you were to die tomorrow. According to this philosophy, the students and teachers would do whatever they felt inspired to do at that moment, and curriculum would be loose. The existentialist teacher eschews structure. The existentialist does not attempt to become a specialist because to do so is too restricting. I agree with the quote, â€Å"Specialization diminishes a man-He is a creature of knowledge, not the master of it. † I also appreciate the existentialist vision of education as a â€Å"conversation between persons in which each person remains a subject for the other, a conversation. With this viewpoint, the teacher is not authoritarian, and does not stand up in front of the class and lecture all day. Finally, the existentialist teacher helps students achieve self-realization. I agree that the purpose of education is more than just to memorize multiplication tables or vocabulary words. There is a reason why students don't like school, and if more teachers incorporated the fundamental philosophies of existentialism in their classrooms, more students would enjoy school. Learning would be more fun. I had an existentialist teacher in high school. The class was social studies, but we did not have a textbook. Rather, the teacher taught to us from Buddhist teachings and encouraged each student in the class to discuss the meaning of life. Instead of memorizing historical data, we learned how to think creatively about our world and about our own selves. The existentialist classroom can focus on any subject. In fact, the true existentialist classroom focuses on as many subjects as possible, and is not restricted to math, English, science, or history. However, when teaching restrictive subjects like math, the teacher uses highly creative methods rather than rote learning. The existentialist teacher brings in various multimedia materials, and welcomes technology as a tool for teaching. The teacher teaches whatever the students appear interested in on that day rather than force them to focus on one specific thing. The students and teacher might sit together in a circle, rather than in typical classroom format. Students are encouraged to tell stories and share jokes. They might perform some creative projects with art or music. Games are also encouraged. The existentialist class is frequently held outside on the lawn on sunny days, or alternatively, goes on a field trip to a park or wherever seems fun that day. If it's raining, the teacher might bring in a movie to teach a unit on cinematography or on a specific theme. The existentialist classroom also incorporates current events as a means to expand the students' awareness of their universe. Furthermore, the teacher imparts knowledge regarding psychological and social coping skills; the existentialist class is not about rote memorization of specific materials but rather on the big picture: the meaning of life and the life purpose behind education. The existentialist views humanity as integral in the perception of reality. Rather than see a physical universe â€Å"out there† that exists independently of the person as a realist would, the existentialist knows that human consciousness alters reality. Human beings are therefore active creators and participants in the universe. In order to better understand the metaphysical underpinnings of the universe we first need to better understand ourselves. The quote â€Å"Man is nothing other than what he makes himself† refers to the power of human consciousness in shaping personal as well as collective reality: we are what we think. Human beings are born with free will; free will is neither good nor an ideal; often free will is a source of our pain and suffering, for when we make mistakes we suffer the consequences. Therefore, free will enables human beings to make painful mistakes in order that we may learn and grow. Because of the absolute nature of free will, each person is ultimately responsible for his or her own actions. Knowledge is highly variable, and not as absolute as some may believe. An individual's knowledge depends on his or her interpretation of the world, and is also highly dependent on his or her personal value systems. Beliefs inform reality. While some knowledge has been codified, the codification of knowledge is not absolute. Human beings are continuously shifting our view of the universe, as our understanding expands and grows. Moreover, people in different cultures and from different backgrounds have different worldviews and therefore have different knowledge. No one form of knowledge is any more or less valuable than another, just different. Specialization is an attempt to own knowledge, to master something completely. However, specialization â€Å"diminishes the man† because specialization is by definition limiting. The existentialist teacher seeks as many different opinions as possible to enrich the conversation. Teaching is a process of conversation and collaboration, a back-and-forth sharing of ideas. All teachers must be aware of their limitations and not attempt to falsely represent themselves as â€Å"experts. † An existentialist curriculum will focus on the humanities because of the openness and creativity inherent in the humanities. Students actively participate; they don't simply sit back and try to absorb material from the teacher.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The 1st Amendment and our Rights essays

The 1st Amendment and our Rights essays Freedom of Speech, freedom of expression, both oral and written, from governmental prior restraint, except as such expression constitutes libel, slander, obscenity, sedition, or criminal conduct such as bribery, perjury, or incitement to riot. In the U.S., this freedom is protected by the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. At the core of 1st Amendment concerns is the protection of expression that is critical of government policies. Also, if the people of the government think censoring American sites from having "vulgar" material on them, what happens when this child goes to a site that either has a nice sounding name that they don't think to block because it does not sound incriminating. If people don't want their children to be on obscene sites then they could put a block on that site at their own computers and make it for that child's screen name instead of the entire Internet. If there are people old enough to visit these sites they should not be blocked from everyone. But it may also be a good thing for them to censor the Internet for reasons of there are some pretty nasty ones out there and they may not have any incriminating content on them, but they are pointless and destructive to other peoples computers. There are some sites that have viruses on them and other people enter not knowing and that should definitely come to an end. Although these sites are dumb, the more you destroy the more sites just lik e it are made. The porno sites and other adult content sites should not be blocked. I say this because if they are going to look for it there is no way you can hide it from the children that have access to the Internet. Also there is no way of proving how old you really are on a computer, so there is no way a child can be caught on the site he/she is not supposed to be on. If Congress starts to limit the ability of the Internet it would be against everything that it was made for, and at th ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Importance of Nutrition and Exercise essays

The Importance of Nutrition and Exercise essays The importance of Nutrition, and Exercise Many students today ask why they are so tired all the time. It also seems that people in college become stressed out either because of grades or because of work. All people need to do is get the right amount of sleep, eating well, and exercise in order to feel better about themselves and feel good in general. This is not a short process. Most experts say that it takes about twelve weeks in order to see results. Nevertheless, it is guaranteed that after that duration of time one will see a vast improvement in oneself. Sleep is something that most people take for granted. It is the one thing that people are willing to compromise even more then food or money. It is estimated that 40 to 60 million Americans are sleep deprived. Different people can get by with different amounts of sleep. Some can survive the next day with only a few hours. Then there are others who cannot be called after 9:00 because they need those good solid 10 hours. The average person actually needs anywhere from between 7-9 hours a night. Why does one need sleep? When human bodies do not get enough sleep, they tend to lose strength, the immune system decreases, and there is an increase in blood pressure. As students, it can effect concentration, memory, logical reasoning, and ability to do math. When going to bed it should take about 15 to 20 minutes to fall asleep. If a half-hour has gone by and one still is not asleep, one should get up and do something relaxing such as take a warm bath or watch television. Another key aspect is nutrition. Nutrition is the main thing that keeps the body working. Therefore, if one wants to keep the body working at a certain pace it needs to be fed. However, one needs to know the right foods. Think of the body as a car. People drive cars every day and some drive fast and some drive slow. Nevertheless, all cars need gas eventually. Every car driver knows that the be...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on The Death Penalty

The Death Penalty: Utilize It Don’t Destroy It It is more reasonable to utilize the death penalty than to abolish it. The death penalty should not be abolished because it deters people from committing murder and because the death penalty gives peace of mind to the victims and their families and puts an end to the crime. It is more reasonable to utilize the death penalty than to abolish it. The death penalty should not be abolished because it deters people from committing murder and because the death penalty gives peace of mind to the victims and their families and puts an end to the crime. The death penalty deters some people from committing crimes and also saves human lives. Not everyone will be deterred from committing crimes because of the death penalty. However, since the death penalty is the highest penalty for crimes it will evoke the most fear in a human being. This fear will save human life. As legal expert Ernest van den Haag explains, â€Å"The threat of 50 lashes deters more than the threat of 5: a $1000 fine deters more than a $10 fine; 10 years in prison deters more than 1 year in prison- just as, conversely, the promise of a $1000 reward is greater than the promise of a $10 reward †¦ .† Most murders happen in the passion of the moment, however, serial killers, burglars, gang members, and others who plan their crime in advance can and do think of the possibilities. Many criminals don’t carry weapons while committing crimes, for example, to keep from killing, as Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania recalls, â€Å"My twelve years’ experience in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office convinced me that the death penalty is a deterrent to crime. I saw many cases where professional burglars and robbers refused to carry weapons, for fear that a killing would occur and they would be charged with murder in the first degree, carrying the death penalty.† Ab... Free Essays on The Death Penalty Free Essays on The Death Penalty The Death Penalty: Utilize It Don’t Destroy It It is more reasonable to utilize the death penalty than to abolish it. The death penalty should not be abolished because it deters people from committing murder and because the death penalty gives peace of mind to the victims and their families and puts an end to the crime. It is more reasonable to utilize the death penalty than to abolish it. The death penalty should not be abolished because it deters people from committing murder and because the death penalty gives peace of mind to the victims and their families and puts an end to the crime. The death penalty deters some people from committing crimes and also saves human lives. Not everyone will be deterred from committing crimes because of the death penalty. However, since the death penalty is the highest penalty for crimes it will evoke the most fear in a human being. This fear will save human life. As legal expert Ernest van den Haag explains, â€Å"The threat of 50 lashes deters more than the threat of 5: a $1000 fine deters more than a $10 fine; 10 years in prison deters more than 1 year in prison- just as, conversely, the promise of a $1000 reward is greater than the promise of a $10 reward †¦ .† Most murders happen in the passion of the moment, however, serial killers, burglars, gang members, and others who plan their crime in advance can and do think of the possibilities. Many criminals don’t carry weapons while committing crimes, for example, to keep from killing, as Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania recalls, â€Å"My twelve years’ experience in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office convinced me that the death penalty is a deterrent to crime. I saw many cases where professional burglars and robbers refused to carry weapons, for fear that a killing would occur and they would be charged with murder in the first degree, carrying the death penalty.† Ab... Free Essays on The Death Penalty â€Å"†¦Over 600 people were falsely convicted and 35 faced death for crimes that they did not commit†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Johnson). The death penalty is an ineffective and expensive way of dealing justice to the American people. It is easier and cheaper to send someone to prison for life than to have them face the death penalty and be executed. Capital punishment is an unnecessary punishment because criminals are already managed at prisons. 69 The death penalty can lead to the death of innocent people. For example, â€Å"†¦According to a new study, serious errors occur in almost 70% of all trials leading to the death penalty†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Leibman). This shows that if 100 people were put on death row, 70 would have serious mistakes in their cases, enough mistakes to have them executed even if they were innocent. This unacceptable amount of errors is the number one cause for mistrust of the legal system. In addition, â€Å"†¦dozens of inmates have been put to death in Texas despite unreliable evidence†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (The Chicago Tribune). This statement alone shows the truth about the death penalty. Innocent people are being executed and will continue to be executed unless the death penalty is abolished. For example, â€Å"†¦In several states innocent individuals may be executed because medical technology is not made available in time to prevent their death†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (American Association of Public Health Physicians). The lack of proper resources during a trial can make the difference between the innocence and guilt of a person. The death penalty does not always show the innocence or guilt of a person. It shows how much he or she is willing to spend to help the trial go his or her way. The death penalty is an unfair system to those who cannot afford the â€Å"evidence† they need to help free them. 224 The death penalty is a corrupt form of legal justice. For example, â€Å"†¦Defendants in about one-third of the Texas cases were represented at trial by an attorney who had been o... Free Essays on The Death Penalty THE DEATH PENALTY Jarret McCluskey English III Mrs. Williams April 8, 1993 McCluskey 1 The Death Penalty There is no easy answer to the capital punishment issue. Most people feel very strongly about it, even though their views differ considerably. This has been a controversial issue for as long as capital punishment has been around. The death penalty has been used through out history. Before societies were organized, people would kill others for committing crimes. They decided who was guilty and the punishment for most crimes was death. Many innocent people were killed in this manner. Laws came about because these people made many errors in judgment. They let their emotions decide who was guilty, not the facts (Flanders 4). During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Period the use of capital punishment changed very little. Most forms were uncivilized and included great pain. The idea seemed to be that not only should these people die, but that they should suffer greatly while dying. The offenders were killed by various methods, such as burning at the stake or being crushed by heavy stones (Flanders 5). When Henry VIII was king, over 70,000 executions took place. In 1780, the "bloody code" contained 350 capital crimes. They added to the number of crimes that were punishable by death, but the number of executions was actually less. By the mid- 1800s, there were only four crimes that were punishable by death (Flanders 6). One of the reasons given by the people who disapprove of capital punishment is, there is no real evidence that the threat of capital punishment decreases violent crime (Flanders 27). They also say that "if electrocution or lethal injection will deter murder, then burning at the stake, drawing and quartering will be even more effe... Free Essays on The Death Penalty Mead Shumway of Nebraska, was convicted of the first-degree murder of his employer's wife on circumstantial evidence and sentenced to death by jury. His last words before his execution were: "I am an innocent man. May God forgive everyone who said anything against me." The next year, the victim's husband confessed on his deathbed that he [the husband] had murdered his [own] wife (Radelet, Bedau, Putnam 347). There are an uncertain numerous amount of incidents similar to the one depicted above, that have repeatedly occurred throughout the course of history. Two highly distinguishable figures in the area of capital punishment in the United States, Hugo Bedau and Michael Radelet, discovered in 1992, at least 140 cases, since 1990, in which innocent persons were sentenced to death (Hook and Kahn 92). In Illinois alone, 12 death row inmates have been cleared and freed since 1987 (Execution Reconsidered). The most conclusive evidence in support of this "comes from the surprisingly large numbers of people whose convictions have been overturned and who have been freed from death" (Bedau 345). One out of every seven people sentenced to death row are innocent (Civiletti). That's nearly 15%. The numbers are disturbing. Innocent people are becoming victims of the United States judicial system by its overlooked imperfections. A former president of the American Bar Association (ABA), John J. Curtin Jr., said it best when he told a congressional committee that "Whatever you think about the death penalty, a system that will take life must first give justice. Execute justice, not people." Though some of the innocent death row inmates have managed to escape their execution, there are numerous others who are unable to overturn their sentence through appeals. Many cases of innocence go unheard and result in the unfortunate fatality of an innocent bystander. When the death penalty in 1972 was ruled unconstitutional in Furman v. Georgia, the Justices e...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marketing and management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing and management - Assignment Example 1 Advise on Internal Marketing for Rosemary and Her Staff Members Development in Internal Marketing In simple words, marketing can be referred as identifying and meeting human as well as social needs. Appropriate and excellent marketing are the ingredients of success for business in modern times (Kotler, 1972). The importance of marketing needs should be well communicated to Rosemary and her staffs. The behaviour of Rosemary and her staff members can be changed with the strategy of social marketing. This strategy combines excellent factors from traditional approach towards the social changes within an integral plan and framework for action and also utilizes and advances towards the technology and marketing skills (Pichop & Mndiga, 2007). Social marketing is applied to influence people towards their behaviour in improving their health, protecting environment and contributing to the society (Kotler & Et. Al., 2002). This strategy of social marketing will assist in development in the ma nagement of staff members. Rosemary King should apply this strategy as the organization is dealing in the health care sector. There is evidence of the application of this strategy in this sector and it has achieved success as well. The social marketing strategy follows systematic procedure that allows enhancing efficiency of the marketing activities. In the first phase of the strategy, the social marketing environment is determined. In this process, the program that needs to be focused is determined, the objective is identified, and an analysis of strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) along with reviews are done. In the second stage, target audience are identified and selected with set of goals and objectives and then the competitive forces and target audiences are analyzed. After this, market’s four Ps (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) are analyzed to suit the best marketing strategy. After completion of these stages, development of plan for monitoring and ev aluation is designed, budgets and sources of finance are identified and finally implementation is made (Kotler & Et. Al., 2002). Customers have been an important factor and their needs and wants ought to be identified appropriately in order to provide their requirements. Marketing has been centrally customer focused and Rosemary also needs to follow the same strategy and see that the staffs also try to identify the exact requirements of customers and provide them the desired requirements (Rust & Et. Al., 2004). There are conflicts in situations where owner-manager deals directly with customers. In this situation, solving the problem is a long process and it requires more time. In this case, Rosemary being the owner manages marketing activities and takes every marketing decision. The organization has now grown bigger and she needs to hire executives to manage the market efficiently. This will reduce the conflicts among staffs, owner and customers (Armstrong, 2010). Marketing manager will motivate the management and staffs. Appointment of marketing manager by Rosemary will allow the manager to plan and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Does Having Natural Resources Necessarily Lead To Economic Growth and Essay

Does Having Natural Resources Necessarily Lead To Economic Growth and Development - Essay Example The paper tells that economic development is the sustainable increase in the people`s standard of living and measured using per capita income while economic growth is the increase in the capacity of a given country to produce goods and services over time and is reflected by the GDP. Past decades have proved that valuable natural resources such as natural gas, oil deposits and minerals do not necessarily lead to economic growth. This is evidenced by oil-rich African countries such as Angola, Nigeria, Congo, and Sudan. These countries earn several millions of dollars annually from oil exports yet the foreign exchange or the riches gained over the years has never been converted into a noticeable increase in GDP. In comparison, Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have experienced economic growth which can rival those of western countries. It is important to note that such countries do not have meaningful natural resources. The explosion of the car manufacturing industr y in the twentieth century led to an increase in the demand for natural resources such as rubber and copper. Minerals were abundantly extracted in several countries like the Netherlands and in time replaced manufacturing as the dominant sector of the economy. With time, the Dutch economy and other similar ones suffered due to the specialization of production and processing of the main resource extracted. The discovery of natural resources did have a positive impact on economic growth but over time, such economies as Netherland became stagnant. The common trend of availability of natural resources combined with slow or stagnant economic growth has been termed the Dutch Disease type of economy. Natural resources can also be a blessing to a country’s economy. A good example of this is Norway, which is the second largest oil exporter. Norway’s oil exports have surpassed other sectors and its foreign direct investment increased to 8% of GDP as of 1998. The manufacturing sec tor declined in relation to GDP since oil was discovered in the 1970s.

Research In Information Technology Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 11000 words

In Information Technology - Research Paper Example In today’s organisation decision making albeit hierarchical is a team effort. It is easier to understand and analyse today’s organisation using the neo-classical approach of an organisation being a socio-technical entity. The approach makes it easier to view an organisation as interaction between social elements (the people) and technical systems (any automated system i.e. IT) and how such interaction is designed for joint optimization. (Cummings 2001, Wikipedia-SocioTechnical Systems) Impact of IT and Internet – No organisation today can exist without the use of Information Technology (IT). The progress of IT and its use has taken a natural evolutionary path, from automating finance (first generation accounting packages) to virtual organisations. Global nature of today’s business - Organisations today are becoming more global in terms of business whether in its supply chain management, production or merchandising. Internet provides this access to today’s organisation. Socio-technical systems – How socio-technical systems, help organisational work design in the organisation, where people and systems interact. This understanding was required to follow our study in how internet applications are designed and developed. (Wikipedia-Sociotechnical systems) Internet and its effects – We studied the history of internet and how internet which was designed for an academic collaboration tool to today’s ubiquitous and all pervasive technological force. As part of this study, we learnt the underlying technology of internet, which has helped internet to be so highly influential in today’s world. We found that advance in telecommunications as the primary growth factor in internet and its usage. Secondly, this development of telecommunications and internet related applications have provided a great assistance to today’s

MySQL program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MySQL program - Essay Example MySQL is a database administration application. A database is a prearranged compilation of information. It is the subsequent most extensively applied open source RDBMS (relational database management system) (DuBois, 2013). The strategic role of MySQL in a company is to manage their database. The MySQL Database Software denotes a client/server application that comprises of a multi threaded SQL server, which maintains diverse backends, numerous different client applications and libraries, managerial tools, and a broad variety of APIs (application programming interfaces) (DuBois, 2013). A relational database keeps data in different tables instead of putting the entire data in one huge storeroom. The database frameworks are prearranged into material files optimized for pace. MySQL role in the company is to assist in retrieving and accessing relevant data from the database. The fact that there is optimization in retrieval and management of the data in the organization due to MySQL, the company can optimize their operations since time to serve customers is extensively reduced by the software. The key to an excellent database is the first procedure for classifying and comprehending the commerce drivers involve. This is to assess why the software is required and what it is needed to perform.  Other assessments include: the kind of the databases information, how data will be input and retrieved, kind of data to be stored, and the interrelations of information or data stored. Another main aspect is the design technology, or structured strategy, to assist separate the data that is need. To enhance this it is essential to agree in advance, construct, then advanced and triad until it is accurate.    MySQL adequately satisfies the requirements of the business since it optimizes time of data retrieval and provides the above requirements. MySQL is a quick, user-friendly being

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Media Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Media Ethics - Essay Example Ultimately, I will conclude that the primary reason many media organizations may find themselves â€Å"aiding† terrorist is not out of the inevitability of an incidental connection, but a money-oriented strategy. Unlike other commentators, Held does not try to invoke the role of news media as a fourth branch or government, but takes the position that everyone in a moral society is obliged to promote the reduction of political violence. This position, in her opinion is partially relevant for those working in the media since it plays a key role in shaping public opinion, which is ultimately the objective of those that engage in political violence. She bases her argument on the claim that the media cannot be relied on to play its moral role in the war against terror since it is predominantly driven by profit motives. Even from a laypersons perspective, the media assist common sense in decreasing incidences of political violence. However, this is not as obvious to members of the fourth estate who tend to present news in the most dramatic and emotive way possible so as to exploit public outrage or fear for increased rating and create a sense of dependency. Given current reporting trends, it is cl ear that the infamous adage, â€Å"tell the people what they want hear† is alive. For example, they will rarely provide objective coverage of the arguments for and against the views by political dissidents unless they happen to be iconic figures such as Dalai Lama. She suggest that the press should air the view of everyone involved in an incidence since many acts of terror are committed by people who feel they are ignored and want to force society to acknowledge their existence and grievances. Her proposal on this matter is on point since in many cases, would be perpetrators of political violence will not get attention from the media unless they do something drastic. Held preeminently talks about the profit motive, which she cites rightly as

Taran Swan At Nickelodeon Latin America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Taran Swan At Nickelodeon Latin America - Essay Example The essay "Taran Swan At Nickelodeon Latin America" discusses the mass media, and television and its great impact on the development of children. Twelve years ago, Taran Swan explored the possible opportunities for penetration into Latin America media market. She found that the market did not look promising, because â€Å"Latin America was a volatile market, subject to frequent currency fluctuations and devaluations, and the cable industry infrastructure was in its infancy†. She saw no opportunities to develop Nickelodeon in Latin America but for four months experience in Germany where she worked around the clock being involved in all aspects of TV programming decisions. She understood that â€Å"in international markets, even key decisions had to be made with minimal information†. Taran Swan understood that children who watch television are not only entertained but assume, consciously or unconsciously, they are learning more about the world they live in, who they are in that world and how they should behave. She has everything – ideas, enthusiasm, desire, hope to modify and reconstruct the channel, but for money. Taran Swan had found that â€Å"for kids in Latin America there was nothing on TV except for the same old cartoons. Because it was largely a poorer, developing region, people thought they could put anything on the air, and they did. Nickelodeon was good for kids, gender-neutral, pro-social, and gave kids a voice†. Worldwide there are not enough local, relevant programs that affirm the identity of children.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

MySQL program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MySQL program - Essay Example MySQL is a database administration application. A database is a prearranged compilation of information. It is the subsequent most extensively applied open source RDBMS (relational database management system) (DuBois, 2013). The strategic role of MySQL in a company is to manage their database. The MySQL Database Software denotes a client/server application that comprises of a multi threaded SQL server, which maintains diverse backends, numerous different client applications and libraries, managerial tools, and a broad variety of APIs (application programming interfaces) (DuBois, 2013). A relational database keeps data in different tables instead of putting the entire data in one huge storeroom. The database frameworks are prearranged into material files optimized for pace. MySQL role in the company is to assist in retrieving and accessing relevant data from the database. The fact that there is optimization in retrieval and management of the data in the organization due to MySQL, the company can optimize their operations since time to serve customers is extensively reduced by the software. The key to an excellent database is the first procedure for classifying and comprehending the commerce drivers involve. This is to assess why the software is required and what it is needed to perform.  Other assessments include: the kind of the databases information, how data will be input and retrieved, kind of data to be stored, and the interrelations of information or data stored. Another main aspect is the design technology, or structured strategy, to assist separate the data that is need. To enhance this it is essential to agree in advance, construct, then advanced and triad until it is accurate.    MySQL adequately satisfies the requirements of the business since it optimizes time of data retrieval and provides the above requirements. MySQL is a quick, user-friendly being

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Taran Swan At Nickelodeon Latin America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Taran Swan At Nickelodeon Latin America - Essay Example The essay "Taran Swan At Nickelodeon Latin America" discusses the mass media, and television and its great impact on the development of children. Twelve years ago, Taran Swan explored the possible opportunities for penetration into Latin America media market. She found that the market did not look promising, because â€Å"Latin America was a volatile market, subject to frequent currency fluctuations and devaluations, and the cable industry infrastructure was in its infancy†. She saw no opportunities to develop Nickelodeon in Latin America but for four months experience in Germany where she worked around the clock being involved in all aspects of TV programming decisions. She understood that â€Å"in international markets, even key decisions had to be made with minimal information†. Taran Swan understood that children who watch television are not only entertained but assume, consciously or unconsciously, they are learning more about the world they live in, who they are in that world and how they should behave. She has everything – ideas, enthusiasm, desire, hope to modify and reconstruct the channel, but for money. Taran Swan had found that â€Å"for kids in Latin America there was nothing on TV except for the same old cartoons. Because it was largely a poorer, developing region, people thought they could put anything on the air, and they did. Nickelodeon was good for kids, gender-neutral, pro-social, and gave kids a voice†. Worldwide there are not enough local, relevant programs that affirm the identity of children.

Presentation and function of horror Essay Example for Free

Presentation and function of horror Essay I busied myself to think of a story a story to rival those which had excited us to this task. One which would speak to the mysterious fears of our nature and awaken thrilling horror one to make the reader dread to look round, to curdle the blood, and quicken the beatings of the heart. If I did not accomplish these things, my ghost story would be unworthy of its name. In the Authors introduction to the standard novels edition (1831), Mary Shelley conveys her aim of the novel, Frankenstein. Mary Shelley proclaims her novel my ghost story p.8. The proposal of a ghost story relates to supernatural literature, which creates horror with paranormal and occult themes, but Frankenstein in fact has no ghosts. There are no bumps in the night and only the minimum amount of blood with emphasis on telling rather than showing in a story of scientific developments beyond our control. To evoke horror Shelleys novel complies with literature of the gothic genre with its tale of macabre in wild picturesque landscapes but without the ghouls and spirits. Shelley has the ability to horrify us without such paranormal torments but through psychological torments. It is Mary Shelleys method and success of creating horror in the novel that this essay aims to discuss. Shelleys era saw rise to momentous discoveries and advances in science that many feared may lead to disaster. The scientific work of Sir Isaac Newton (1642 1727) coupled with the ideals of philosopher John Locke (1632 1704) saw increased ambition and power in the 17th Century. Parallels can be easily drawn between such ambitious scientists and philosophers, and Mary Shelleys fictional character of Victor Frankenstein. Clearly a large influence to the myth of creation the novel endures is aided by the development of electricity. Shelley uses these advances in technology to make her novel appear more realistic and therefore horrifying. She has replaced the heavenly fire of the Prometheus myth with the spark of newly discovered electricity. Although neglected in the novel, Kenneth Branaghs 1994, film Mary Shelleys Frankenstein draws parallels with Luigi Galvani (1737 -1798), by featuring his work of discovering a frogs legs could twitch in an electric field. The use of electricity plus the amniotic fluid, which Victor uses in his creation, mixes the idea of science with the mythical origins surrounding the birth of human life. As Mr Waldman presents and influences the work of Victor Frankenstein, the likes of Newton and Galvini coupled with discussions between Mary Shelley, husband Percy and Lord Byron at Lake Geneva in 1816 have indeed influenced Shelleys role in creating the horror surrounding Frankenstein. When considering horror, we must consider what actually evokes the horror. Shelleys use of language when Victor is developing his workshop of filthy creation p.52 is disturbing, although not much graphic content is written, it is more what is not said and left out that is horrific. The theme of control is central to this idea of horror. When considering the horrendous incidents of September the 11th 2001 in American, and the horrific images of planes hitting tower blocks, are response is stomach churning but the real horror is the lack of control, nobody knows when and how the attacks are going to happen and this is similar in Frankenstein. Victor is scared of the monster as he has no control over him and this permeates through to the reader. There is surely an eye opening benefit of being horrified in some aspects. We can test our courage and survival and prepare for the future and in this case we are providing with the dangerous premonitions of playing god. Due to Mary Shelleys experiences of death and pregnancy the novel seems to suggest her own mental torments about creation, and the horror of birth and development. Shelley lost most of her children, only one survived. Shelley may be using her novel as a way of voicing her disgust and unhappiness at how childbirth can appear. I kept my workshop of filthy creation p.52, may be referring to the womb, the disgust and pain a mother can feel at such unhappiness. The creation seems to depict mothers worst fears, being capable to accept and have endless love for a child and not reject in the horrific manner that Victor does. The description of the monster is very much similar to that of a newborn baby. Once again the 1994 film adaptation of the novel depicts the monsters first steps similarly to that of a newborn Deer, struggling to find his feet, clutching on to his creator for dear life. As the novel reaches horrific climax in Chapter Five, Victor is awoke from a dream to find one hand was stretched out p.56, as his creation asks for help, like a child would to a mother. The way in which this interaction takes place is horrific in that a monster-like creature standing beside his bed awakens Victor, but the manner in which Victor rejects his monster is equally horrific. The creation has no motive for death yet and he is surely asking for help and is abandoned less than a few hours after birth. The novel could be read as a version of what occurs when a man plays god and upsets nature. Trying to create a child without woman is not natural and the horrific incidents which follow act as a warning not to mes s with the origins of human life.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Risk Management in Healthcare: Case Study

Risk Management in Healthcare: Case Study Harry C. Abellana Jr. Introduction I am a health care assistant going on duty at North Shore Hospital. It is one of the hospitals under the Waitemata District Health Board. It caters inpatient and outpatient care. It is also equipped to perform surgeries and emergency care. Studying risk management is a very important key in being a manager. This would equip you with the vital skills and mind set to be sensitive to identify the different risks in the work place. You will be able to act quickly and find a solution if ever a problem is faced. All of your clients or patients are your responsibility. Their care is in your hands. Purpose of Risk Management Working at North Shore Hospital is a very eye-opening experience. The hospital caters to everyone and attends to any type of illness. With the vast patients that they are attending, risk is always present. An accident or wrong practice always lurks the corner. I can see that the purpose of risk management is to prevent and control the different risks being faced on a day-to-day basis. Without risk management, there will be chaos in the organisation and this will hinder the staff to do their work. Proper risk management is implemented so that the organisation itself can do their tasks efficiently and effectively. Benefits of Risk Management There are different things that North Shore Hospital is benefiting from their effective risk management. First is a good reputation. They have a good reputation of being one of the best public hospitals under the Waitemata District Health Board. This was achieved through proper planning and execution of their risk management protocols. Another benefit is maximizing the time and skills of the staff. Whenever there is a risk encountered, the staffs already know the steps on how to handle and solve the problem. Another is conserving and saving money. If the risk is attended to or moreover prevented from happening, this would lessen the downtime and resources to be used to control the problem. That is why risk management is truly beneficial at North Shore Hospital. The Different Components of Risk Management Activities and Internal Environment The working culture at North Shore Hospital is a very positive one. Each unit exhibits team work to get the job done. All of the healthcare staff works hand-in-hand to provide the best quality healthcare. The managers make sure that a safe and healthy working environment is maintained. Any misunderstanding should be sorted out immediately. It is the responsibility of the managers to take care of their employees. On the other hand, the employees are responsible for their patients. The nurses and healthcare assistants are the first line of the organisation to take care of the clients. They use both modern technology and trusty hand-written documents to store patient’s information. Computers are mainly used to guide the healthcare providers regarding the medication schedule and as a communication tool. This will lessen the occurrence of medication errors. They use the traditional patient’s chart to jot down objective observations like blood pressure, temperature, respirato ry and heart rate. The organisation has plotted down their policies that would cover all risk possibilities that they may encounter. There are policies from the simplest thing like hand washing techniques up to the complicated things like medication error. They also give importance regarding the confidentiality of the patients. They always remind us that every time you perform basic care to the patients, you should make sure that all the curtains are closed and not to expose the clients. New Zealand is a diversified country. With the continuous influx of migrants, there are a lot of culture, religion and beliefs. The healthcare plan should be sensitive to the rights and beliefs of the patient. The decision of the family is also respected when drafting the care plan for the patient. Objectives The basic objective of the Waitemata District Health Board, in which North Shore Hospital is under this health board, is to provide the best healthcare while respecting patient’s rights. They are committed to become a world-class healthcare facility. The organisation is aiming for a zero fall incident across all departments in all shifts. They are also an advocate to promote a smoke-free environment which should be achieved by the year 2024. They provide health teachings to patients who smoke and provide help and options on how to quit smoking. Proper hygiene, preventing cross contamination, limiting salt intake and recognizing the signs and symptoms of stroke are other objectives that the hospital is trying to disseminate to their patients. Their main objective is to promote a healthy lifestyle. Event Identification One of the risk identification that the hospital is doing is practicing emergency evacuation in case a major catastrophic event happens. They do this announced or unannounced. This is beneficial to remind the group on what to do in time of tragedies to be effective and efficient in evacuating the facility and save lives. Another current event that they are closely monitoring and trying to prevent is the spread of the Ebola virus. It has become a worldwide threat. They are specifically meticulous for those persons with or without signs of feeling sick to inform the organisation if they travelled to Africa or to any known country which has a positive case of the Ebola virus. If a person is suspected to have contracted this disease, they are to isolated for close monitoring and to be provided with the proper treatment. Risk Assessment Reference North Shore Hospital has a very simple yet very effective way to quickly inform the healthcare provider about the case of the patient. Posted on the wall on top or at the side of the patient is a reference chart. The chart consist information like name, age, language spoken, diet and nurse on charge for that shift. The unique thing about the chart is about the probability of the patient having a fall. It is measured by ticking the box if the patient is at high, medium or no risk of falling. There is also a picture of different walking assistive devices in which the proper tool to use is encircled. The picture helps a lot because it gives a clear picture not only by the name of the device. The chart also indicates if the patient is independent, needs supervision or how many persons should accommodate the patient if ever he or she needs assistance. This reference chart simply provides you the do’s and don’ts regarding the care of the patient. Response Plan Every shift always starts with a hand over. This is vital because in this occasion, all the information about the patient is being given. Each patient is unique in terms of providing care. The healthcare team also do rounds to check on the patients. There are times in which a patient needs close monitoring. The nurse cannot do this alone. They call the help of the bureau. This may be internal or external. This procedure will lessen the risk of the patient to incur any incident. They assign a staff to do a one-on-one monitoring of the patient. This may be an additional cost to the organisation but the positive effect always outweighs the monetary impact. This is also a way as a quick response to unexpected shortage of staff. The nurse managers on duty can always count on the bureaus to provide them with the manpower needed for that shift. The allocation of patients to the nurses on duty is also planned out. There are 2 or more nurses assigned in a single room. All the severe cases and patients who has complex care plan are distributed to the nurses. The buddy system works well in the healthcare system because there will be somebody to assist or help you in case a problem occurs. Each room generally consists of four patients. A single room cannot be occupied by all dependent patients. Occasionally there are two independent patients and two who needs close monitoring or supervision. Control Activities North Shore Hospital is equipped with all the modern risk managing devices like fire extinguishers, first aid kits and the likes. The expiry dates are checked regularly to maintain the effectivity of the devices. They also provide call bells to each patient. This will provide the patient easy access to the healthcare providers. The toilets are equipped with this feature. All over the floor there is an emergency bell. This would help alert all the healthcare staff that a major incident occurred. If the patient is not capable of pressing the call bell, they are attached to a monitoring alarm. If the patient gets up from bed, the alarm is triggered to alert the staff on duty that the patient needs help. Not only are the tools or the equipment being used are audited. The plans and protocols are also being updated from time to time. These plans are adjusted according to the flaws, if ever there are any, or new ideas and suggestions coming in that might be beneficial to the recent protocol s; all of the plans and materials being used to control or prevent risks are continuously changing or updating to be more effective it its goals. Information and Communication The hospital has good communication mediums to inform the staff and the general public about the health objectives. They use emails and online communications lines in order to inter act with each department. A paging system is used to announce any information that can be heard all throughout the facility. They also print out and post posters all over the facility. They are the appropriate size and clear. It contains the vital information that they want the people to know. It also contains call back information so that the public will have the chance to call them for questions and clarification. There are also leaflets and hand outs available. This is useful and handy. A patient can take these flyers with them and they can read it in their free time to better grasp the information being handed out. Help desk and information centre is also available. It is manned by a knowledgeable staff in which basic information can be answered right away. Monitoring Being a big hospital, it takes a group effort to maintain or prevent risks from occurring in the organisation. The company delegates to the members of the team the different aspects that need monitoring. They monitor cleanliness, fall incidents, cross contamination, intravenous lines infection and the likes. Each subject is randomly assigned to the members of the healthcare team for monitoring. They post the results of the evaluation at their bulletin board. The hospital makes it into a friendly competition. They commend the best ward for their efforts. This is a good way to motivate the crew to bring out the best performance and to provide the best care possible. Conclusion All organisations involving healthcare, may it be a hospital or a retirement village, has the best intention to their patients. They all have a common goal of taking care of people who lacks the ability to take care of themselves, may it be due to certain illnesses or old age. With the type of clientele that they have, risk is always present. That is why protocols are set to manage these risks. For me, the most important key is how to follow these protocols. They should be followed faithfully and put into practice. The organisation may have the perfect risk management procedures but without proper implementation, all of these would be useless. Recommendation This paper is very interesting. It varies from the typical subjects that were learned when taking the nursing course. It teaches us on what are the consequences if the different risks involved are not managed properly. Risk management should be inculcated to the practice of all employees, from the top management down to the rank and file. All should be responsible for their own actions because by being responsible risks can be prevented. We plan to become leaders and managers in the future. This would involve a lot more responsibilities. Mastering this talent will provide us with the proper knowledge, skill and attitude to become great leaders. Bibliography AOL Plc. (2014). Health Care Risk Management. Retrieved from Waitemata District Health Board (2010-2014). About Waitemata District Health Board. Retrieved from Task Two Case Study Business Risk The most distinctive feature of the pharmacy is the operating hours. It is always open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This would accommodate all potential customers even after the regular office hours. The store is still serving customers when the competition is closed. The size of the store, branding, and investing in the interior furbishing is also appropriate. This prevents congestion inside the pharmacy. The more relaxed the customers are; the better buying experience they will have. The parking slots are a bonus feature especially for those clients with cars who are in a hurry for a quick buy. They would spend the money they have to buy products in the store rather than allocating it to pay for parking. The variety of products being offered also gives customers wider products choices. Location is also suitable to cater the target market. Insurance Risk Running an all hours pharmacy is vulnerable to robbery, fire and medication error. The pharmacy should get an insurance plan to cover these identified risks since the pharmacy is always open. The shop is most at risk during night time in which most common mistakes occur maybe due to fatigue which would hinder the human senses. The pharmacy should also protect their employees in case something happens to them in the work place. They should be accredited to the Accident Compensation Corporation or ACC to free the company from shouldering any extra expenses from unforeseen events. Since the business involves three stakeholders, protecting their investments should also be protected. An investor’s insurance is beneficial when fixing the pharmacy’s assets especially when something goes wrong like a death of an investor or bankruptcy. Compliance Risk You need to comply with different permits in order to run a pharmacy as per New Zealand’s laws. The Licence to Operate should be obtained. The licensing body of New Zealand is the Ministry of Health. The staff should also be qualified and have the NZQA qualifications especially the nurses and the pharmacists. Reference Ministry of Health – Manatu Hauora (2014). Applying for a pharmacy licence. Retrieved from Small, medium and large business. Retreived from 1 | Page

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Impact on the Environment of Electrical and Electronics Products Essay

Impact on the Environment of Electrical and Electronics Products Introduction Electrical and Electronics products are now commonly found all around the world and the number is on the rise. The amount of such products that is being disposed is also on the rise. There is a concern on the environmental effect by such products that is being disposed as well as when it is being manufacturer. This is because most of these products contain either harmful substance or non bio-degradable materials which cause an impact on the environment. For these reasons, regulations and directives are being set up to safe guard and prevent more harm from being done to the environment. This report would be discussing on the harmful effects by traditional manufacturing and some of the regulatory and directive being set up around the world. Also, responses from the electronics industry with regards to the directives and regulations would be discussed. 1 Traditional manufacturing of electronic equipments 1.1 The use of soldering lead Solder comprised of tin and lead is currently a fundamental material joining electronic components to circuit boards in the assembly of almost every type of electronic product. Worldwide, over 20 million pounds of tin-lead solder are used annually. [1] 1.2 The manufacturing of PCBs In the process of making PCBs using the "subtractive" process, the circuit pattern is created by chemically etching copper from the unprotected (non-circuit) areas of the copper-coated panel, leaving circuit traces protected with photoresist. Etching can be accomplished with acids or bases, depending on the etch rate and the line width required. The most commonly used etchant is an aqueous solution of ferric chloride (FeCl3), used at temperatures over 50 Â °C. FeCl3 is acidic, relatively cheap, comparatively innocuous and versatile, attacking aluminium, copper, iron, nickel and their alloys. However, the spent etchant and its rinse water contain heavy metal ions such as nickel and chromium which are hazardous to the environment and most difficult to render harmless. Approximately 60% of the copper on the board is removed in the typical etching process. As the copper content of the etchant increases, the etchant cannot effectively remove the copper from the board, and it is consi... ...le. This also reduced the assembly time and lowered the production cost [17][18] References: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]'DIRECTIVE%20OF%20THE%20EUROPEAN%20PARLIAMENT%20AND%20OF%20THE%20COUNCIL' [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] Electronic Product Recovery and Recycling Conference Summary Report, Environmental Health Center, 1998 [18] Gertsakis, Ryan & Hoy, 1996 On Rohs: References for my part. Impact on the Environment of Electrical and Electronics Products Essay Impact on the Environment of Electrical and Electronics Products Introduction Electrical and Electronics products are now commonly found all around the world and the number is on the rise. The amount of such products that is being disposed is also on the rise. There is a concern on the environmental effect by such products that is being disposed as well as when it is being manufacturer. This is because most of these products contain either harmful substance or non bio-degradable materials which cause an impact on the environment. For these reasons, regulations and directives are being set up to safe guard and prevent more harm from being done to the environment. This report would be discussing on the harmful effects by traditional manufacturing and some of the regulatory and directive being set up around the world. Also, responses from the electronics industry with regards to the directives and regulations would be discussed. 1 Traditional manufacturing of electronic equipments 1.1 The use of soldering lead Solder comprised of tin and lead is currently a fundamental material joining electronic components to circuit boards in the assembly of almost every type of electronic product. Worldwide, over 20 million pounds of tin-lead solder are used annually. [1] 1.2 The manufacturing of PCBs In the process of making PCBs using the "subtractive" process, the circuit pattern is created by chemically etching copper from the unprotected (non-circuit) areas of the copper-coated panel, leaving circuit traces protected with photoresist. Etching can be accomplished with acids or bases, depending on the etch rate and the line width required. The most commonly used etchant is an aqueous solution of ferric chloride (FeCl3), used at temperatures over 50 Â °C. FeCl3 is acidic, relatively cheap, comparatively innocuous and versatile, attacking aluminium, copper, iron, nickel and their alloys. However, the spent etchant and its rinse water contain heavy metal ions such as nickel and chromium which are hazardous to the environment and most difficult to render harmless. Approximately 60% of the copper on the board is removed in the typical etching process. As the copper content of the etchant increases, the etchant cannot effectively remove the copper from the board, and it is consi... ...le. This also reduced the assembly time and lowered the production cost [17][18] References: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]'DIRECTIVE%20OF%20THE%20EUROPEAN%20PARLIAMENT%20AND%20OF%20THE%20COUNCIL' [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] Electronic Product Recovery and Recycling Conference Summary Report, Environmental Health Center, 1998 [18] Gertsakis, Ryan & Hoy, 1996 On Rohs: References for my part.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Violent Video Games did Not Cause the Columbine High School Shooting Es

â€Å"I feel like getting a baseball bat, breaking it over his head, and then STABBING him with the broken end!!!!† vents Eric Harris about his local weatherman on his web page (Anton 5). Harris, being one of the killers in the Columbine High School shooting, was called a â€Å"die-hard gamer who loved the interactive bloodbath called DOOM† (Anton 2). Doom was thought to be one of the factors in Eric Harris’ violent tragedy. The question is: did playing Doom lead to him being a violent child, or did being a violent child lead him to playing Doom? Proceeding my perusal of articles and research, written by authors with scientific credentials or otherwise, I have concluded that video games are no more to blame for the ebullition found in today’s society than any other possible cause. However, the incessant brouhaha as well as the negative notoriety surrounding media and video games refuses to cease or let up. These claims—for or against video games—are ultimately subjective and inconclusive and very little can be confidently derived from them. Granted, the violence found in our youth is growing rapidly, and there must be external reasons for that, but using video games as a scapegoat will not rectify anything. Video games have been subjected to much finger pointing and blame for the too often seen violent tragedies as of late. David Grossman, a military psychologist that researches â€Å"killology,† is one of the many who provides his opinion against video games. Killology is a term he coined for the study of the methods and psychological effects of training army recruits to circumvent their natural inhibitions to killing fellow human beings (Grossman 1). By observing past wars (preceding killology), one can see how much people will... ...C IGN. 19 March 2002 Grossman, David. â€Å"Trained to Kill†. Christianity Today Magazine – COVER STORY: Trained to Kill. 10 August 1998. Christianity Today. 20 March 2002 Anton, Mike and Lisa Ryckman. â€Å"In hindsight, signs to killings obvious†. In hindsight, signs to killings obvious. 2 May 1999. 20 March 2002 Tzemach, Gayle. â€Å"Blood and Gore Onscreen†. Violence Invades Video Games. 1 December 2001. ABC News. 19 March 2002. Zarozinski, Michael. â€Å"Video Game Violence†. Violence in Video Games. 12 September 2001. Louder Than A Bomb. 19 March 2002

Friday, October 11, 2019

Academic degree Essay

Healthcare Basics – What to Know Before Pursuing a Health Career Decide Which Health Career is Best for You Healthcare Employers – Where to Work in the Medical Industry Medical Education – Training and Education Required for Health Careers Paying for Education Costs – How to Pay for Your Healthcare Education Healthcare Compensation – How You’ll Get Paid, and How Much Getting the Job – How to Secure Your Dream Job in Healthcare Health Career Advancement – Manage Your Healthcare Career for Success Professional Health Career Resources and Reference Materials Trends, News, and Issues Impacting Your Career in Healthcare Glossary of Terms for Health Careers. Blog Updated Articles and Resources View More Free Email Newsletter Let About. com send you the latest from our Health Careers Expert. You can opt-out at any time. Please refer to our privacy policy for contact information. Medical student holding flask with blue – Cultura Science/Matt Lincoln/Riser/Getty Images Cultura Science/Matt Lincoln/Riser/Getty Images Question: Why Is Education So Important for Success? Is education important to a successful career in the healthcare industry? And if so, how important is it, and why is education so important? Many readers and job seekers often ask why education is important with respect to one’s career, particularly in the healthcare industry. Some people also want to know how education can impact overall quality of life, in addition to the impact education has on one’s career. Many job seekers, some who have years of experience, may not even be considered for a job, or they may be passed over for a candidate who has a degree, or more education, but has less experience. Why? Ads Medical Science Degree theacademy. edu. au/medical_science Designed for high-achievers. Be mentored by experienced researchers Bachelor Courses www. seeklearning. com. au/Bachelor Study Online When It Suits You FEE-HELP Available. Enrol Now. Career Personality Quiz carecareers. com. au/CareerQuiz Find Out Which Jobs Suit You Best. Get your Free Personal Profile Now. Professional Degree Theology Degree Jobs Jobs Health Science Jobs Leadership Degree Answer: Education is very important to both your personal and professional life, in a number of significant ways! Depending on the level of success you’re seeking to achieve, the level of education may be relative, but the bottom line is, an education of some sort is often paramount to future success. Completing increasingly advanced levels of education shows that you have a drive and commitment to learn and apply information, ideas, theories, and formulas to achieve a variety of tasks and goals. Subject Matters: Probably the most obvious reason education is important is to acquire the subject matter and basic knowledge needed to get by in everyday life. For example: English and language skills: English and language skills will help you to communicate your ideas more clearly. Communication skills are essential in any role – whether you’re dealing with co-workers, patients, customers, or supervisors, you will need to effectively convey your plans, ideas, goals, and such. Math and science skills: Although calculators and computers are readily accessible, you still need to learn how to do basic computations and calculations on paper or in your head. If you are calculating dosages, counting surgical supplies, or tallying sales, math skills are imperative for a career, and for life. Cooking, shopping, driving, and many other everyday activities require math skills as well, regardless of your career choice. Ads The future of Speech www. jcu. edu. au/5stargrads Study Speech Pathology @ JCU Apply now for 2015! Distance Education wi. edu. au/Education_Diploma_Courses Online Teacher Education Courses. Apply for 2014, 3rd Session Intake The more you LEARN, the more you EARN: Have you ever noticed that the word LEARN contains the word EARN? Perhaps that is because the higher level of education you achieve, the higher level of income you are likely to command as well. For example, consider the following health careers and the educational requirements as they relate to annual income: Medical jobs, no college degree: Pay $20,000-40,000 annually, on average Allied Health Careers, two years of college: Pay from $40,000-60,000 annually. Nursing Careers, Associate’s or Bachelor Degree: Pay $40,000-55,000 on average annually. Advanced Nursing Careers, Master’s Degree required: Pay $60,000-90,000+ annually. Pharmacist, Bachelor’s, + PharmD: Pay $90,000-115,000 annually. Physician, Medical Doctorate required: Pay $120,000-$500,000+ annually Are you seeing the trend here? Clearly, education is important for financial growth in the healthcare field, as with many other careers. Many Employers Now Require Education for Employment: Another primary reason education is important, is that it’s become a basic requirement for so many employers, to even get your foot in the door. Many employers require college level education, even for roles which previously did not require it, such as administrative assistant positions. The fewer years of education you’ve completed, the fewer doors are open to you. It’s that simple. Educational requirements are a quick and easy way to narrow down the field of applicants, especially in situations where there are more applicants than jobs. When hiring from a field of candidates, employers prefer those who have completed the higher level of education. Why has education become so important to employers? In working with hiring managers to conduct candidate searches, it seems that the education requirement has become a barrier for entry into many careers, because education allows you to: Learn how to learn. School teaches you how to gather, learn, and apply knowledge. No matter what career you choose, you will need to learn procedures, information, and skills related to your job, and execute tasks based on that information and training. Develop interpersonal skills. School allows you to interact with other people and refine your communication skills, including those of persuasion, conflict resolution, and teamwork. Learn time and task management. Learn how to manage projects, deadlines, and complete assignments efficiently and effectively. Learn from experience of others. By attending school, you are able to learn from the experience and intellect of thousands of people who have gone before you. In just a few years, through your textbooks, research, and class lessons, school gives you a consolidated overview of theories, formulas, ideologies, and experiments conducted by generations of scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, historians, and other experts. While gaining your own personal work experience is helpful too, a formal education is a way to learn from centuries of others’ life and work and academic experience before you. As you can see, education is important to everyone, but education is even more important in the healthcare industry. Why? Technology, math and science are key components of many healthcare roles: Healthcare careers often require knowledge and understanding of the sciences, and technology. These fields are always changing and growing with new developments and discoveries. Therefore it’s imperative to have a basic understanding you can build on with continuing education throughout your career, to keep up with the latest changes and new information. Health professionals have a huge responsibility for the health, well-being, and survival of others. Therefore, health professionals must be particularly adept and relating to other people, learning and gathering information about a patient, and applying it to the treatment and care of that patient based on medical knowledge. For many healthcare roles, degrees and certifications are required for licensure to practice in a certain capacity. Many allied healthcare jobs require at least an associate’s degree, most nurses need bachelor’s degrees, and physicians and advanced practice nurses must have many years of post-graduate training to include master’s and doctorate degrees. Related Articles Healthcare Career Questions and Answers Education Levels and Employment Why You Should Get your Doctoral Degree How Much Education Do You Need for Criminal Justice and Criminology Careers? 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Our Story Advertise News Site Map All Topics Reprints Help Write for About Careers at About User Agreement Ethics Policy Patent Info Bizarre Entertainment Health How to Lifestyle Most Expensive Tech Travel Internet More List Crux Home > Education > Why Education is extremely Important? 10 Reasons Education How to Lifestyle Why Education is extremely Important? 10 Reasons By ankita Shrivastava | July 8, 20141 Comment 1 Education for all means has been the most important debate in all stages of society, progress and development. This might build in you the question as to why everyone is running behind education? What is it that makes us bind to education and makes it the center of attraction to all the aristocrats, law makers, parents and elders? Education isn’t about my marks or your standard its about knowledge and how well you are aware of the happenings around you. A person who is awakened knows what’s best for him/her, knows the difference between right and wrong and that’s when he is known as educated. 10. SOCIETY society We live in an ever progressing and developing society. Education in this society is not only a demarcation of the wealthy and poor but also of the uneducated and educated. Your reputation and social image is dependent on your educational qualifications. More than your salary, caste, creed or religion, people care about your degree for it demarks you from the rest. Society is also a cluster of different people, to deal with each we need knowledge of the system as well as our rights and duties which is only taught to us through different mediums of education. This helps us become a member of the society we live in and participate actively in the changes and development required in the society. 9. THE DIFFERENCE the difference. For education also makes us gain the knowledge of differentiating between different aspects of work, life and curriculum. For a person who isn’t educated he/she cannot discriminate as to when he is being fooled or when the stats are true. Country works on a certain curriculum, to follow those routes like in banks, government offices and day to day needs we need to be educated so that no one can hoax us with their knowledge. Your way of talking, perception and interaction in a social gathering shall always stand out compared to the one who is illiterate. 8. NOBODY CAN FOOL YOU nobody can fool you. The lower class of the society is often faced with the issue of not being literate like those who are more privileged, living in urban dynasties. Hence often the selfish urban tend to use the innocence and illiteracy of the uneducated in their favor. Often we come across cases where the farmers sign across wrong papers and have to face long life penalty for giving their land to someone else. This is only because the farmer is illiterate and hence can be easily fooled by words. Whereas an educated person is smart enough to demarcate the cunningness of those around and is less probable to be shot by such cases. 7. INDEPENDENT independent Education makes your growth optimum and helps you become independent to start your own life. It makes you reliable on your instincts and knowledge to take the right decision that does not harm your image and respect. An independent thought process is developed when your brain is open to all the forms of life and knowledge about how advanced the world has become and you witness the improvement in lifestyle. This makes you create your own mentality rather than being a herd follower of your ancestors it also gives you a broader outlook towards life and your career. 6. KNOWLEDGEABLE knowledgable. Education makes you knowledgeable, it makes you stand tall in a discussion and participate enthusiastically with no shame of going dumb. Knowledge makes you aware, potentially updated and also open minded. A person who lacks knowledge is considered to be foolish and regarded as either a learner or an illiterate. Though knowledge might turn to against you if not used in the best of intentions and calibre. 5. STABILITY stability When you are educated, you shall get a job easily. A career can be established by your credits and achievements in the educational field. This not only makes you independent but also helps you create a living. Stability comes when you are on your own, this cannot be achieved until you can excel in all forms and fields with a rigorous effort on scrubbing your caliber. We are all blank frames until and unless a drawing is not drawn, the frame shall remain un noticed and blank. If it is a good image, carefully drawn, specialized by critics the final result shall be explicit compared to rough drawings done by an un- experienced artist hence to be stable and be valued by the world we need education. Education shall support our endeavor and also speak on our behalf of our credits. 4. LIVING living. For a living, it has become mandatory for a citizen to be educated. Not only they are termed as barriers or qualifications to cross before coming in for an interview, but education also decides your performance in an interview. An educated person is aware of his surroundings and therefore can give explicit answers to questions asked whereas an illiterate might not be able to comprehend the questions that shall be bombarded on him. Moreover to apply for a job, the educational qualifications of a student act as the eligibility criteria which is must before the student is able to fill an application. Education opens to the world of our own where we can earn and form a living for ourselves. 3. SENSE OF RIGHT AND WRONG right and wrong To know if you are right, you should might as well know, WHAT IS RIGHT? If we go by terms of what people say there will be a huge confusion in our understanding, leading us to unwanted and fraud situations. This can only be corrected or check if we are educated enough to not be waved away. When a small child is given a toffee, he/she accepts it without understanding its ingredients, taste or what it might do to their health. Though if the same toffee is given to an educated person, he/she can sense the difference by checking their ingredients, taste or smell. This is because experience can education has made them aware of the difference between right and wrong. 2. WISDOM wisdom Education is often compared with wisdom. A person who is educated has wisdom and knowledge. Wisdom to know the correct and knowledge to reason it. Wisdom acts as the stepping stone during a person’s growth. A matured person is often considered to have more wisdom than a teenager because he/she has faced the cons of life and come out with experience that make them smart, careful and aware. These things can be taught to you in school/ colleges or by your parents or by personal experience but when we lack the urge to learn it is then that are downfall starts. 1. CAREER career A career makes our identity, it also decides our work frame, area of interest, caliber and future. This career holds true only when a person is educated. Education gives him/her the knowledge of their field so that they can pursue the career of their interest full fledged. On the contrary those who are illiterate are considered for labor jobs which do not require understanding, knowledge or development. They act as a source to the needs of the educated. Hence to have a secure and balanced career we need to work hard, learn new things, gain knowledge, spread our experience, help the society and become educated. 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Copyright  © 2013 ListCrux. com Calender August 2014 M T W T F S S  « Jul 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 Search Archives August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014. April 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 It Gives Knowledge â€Å"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. † – Benjamin Franklin A direct effect of education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us form opinions and develop a point of view. The information we are constantly bombarded with, cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly and applying the gathered information in real life scenarios. Education is not limited to lessons from textbooks. Real education is obtained from the lessons taught by life. It Leads to Career Progression â€Å"An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less. † – Nicholas M. Butler Education is important because it equips us with the expertise that is needed in helping us realize our career goals. Expertise is an in-depth knowledge about a specific field and it’s ought to open doors to brilliant career opportunities. Education fetches better prospects of career growth. Good education is an eligibility criterion for employment in any sector of the industry. Be it any field, education always proves to be rewarding. We  are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and on how well we can apply them. It Builds Character â€Å"A man’s own manner and character is what most becomes him. † – Marcus Tullius Cicero The words ‘cultivate’ and ‘civilize’ are synonymous with ‘educate’. That says it all. Education is important as it teaches us the right behavior and good manners, thus making us civilized. It is the basis of culture and civilization. It is instrumental in the development of our values and virtues. Education cultivates us into mature individuals; individuals capable of planning for the future, and taking the right decisions in life. It gives us an insight into living, and teaches us to learn from experience. It makes us self-confident, and develops our†¦ Continues for 2 more pages  » Read full document Full access is free for premium users. Add to Library (0) Download Print Report this Essay Facebook Twitter Google+ Send Rate This Document 4. 5 1 2 3 4 5 Read full document Full access is free for premium users. Document Details Words: 790 Related Essays why is education so impo †¦ isn’t cool it puts stress in many people’s life. So think before you act or speak†¦ 1 Pages Why Is Childhood so Impo †¦ Why Is Childhood Important? 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